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From The Editor's Desk :
We at CBL are very excited about the responses to the last issue of O Theophilus (1st Quarter, 94). Most were very positive and encouraging, others expressed disagreement on certain issues. This is also encouraging, for it is our desire to provoke an apathetic church into recognizing the frightening dilemma of Biblical illiteracy. We welcome all challenges! We want to prod and poke the sleeping giant of the church until she shakes herself from the dust and lifts her head into the light of day. This issue will certainly prod and poke.
A Few Reports:
* An astro-physicist in New York downloaded O Theophilus from one of the networks and related to CBL how refreshed he was to discover intelligent thought in the Christian community. His personal faith was famished from the overabundance of affective literature in popular Christianity.
* A PhD student at the University of California, Irvine found O Theophilus on the Internet and was perturbed at the criticism of "deconstructionism," an area of education to which she is intimately connected. A lively exchange ensued from which we all were enlightened and were able to broaden our Christian fellowship.