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* An atheist picked up an issue of O Theophilus in a dentist's office. He was so moved by what he read that he called the office of CBL and asked if we truly believed it. The result is that both the Atheist and Humanist Societies of Georgia have challenged CBL to a public debate this November!
* One person simply read that 48% of Christians don't read their Bibles because they are lazy. She got so convicted that she shared it with her pastor and church and they began a Bible reading program together. The last we heard, revival had broken out with daily services for over three weeks!

We appreciate comments and criticisms. Please direct your comments concerning a particular article directly to its author by e-mail, or by ground mail to this office.

We are most anxious to upgrade this journal to color, better quality paper, more graphics, and more pages. As it is, we have to limit our writings to a few concise articles. If this journal blesses you in some way and you would like to see it continue and expand, we would appreciate your letters of encouragement and financial offerings. We are asking those that want to remain on our mailing list to let us know. An annual gift of $20.00 is suggested, though we will gladly mail it to you for just asking. Please designate subscriptions to: "O Theophilus."


Under proposed Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regulations the category of "religious harassment" will be strictly defined in the same manner as sexual harassment. Anything offensive to another party or which the other party does not care to hear could earn the religious harassment label. The regulations were open for public discussion from Oct. 1 till Nov. 30, 1993. Observers speculate that under the new regulations it would be possible to sue an employer who permitted a Bible study during work hours. Companies such as Chick-fil-A with its corporate statement, "To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us, to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A" could be in serious legal trouble.