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authoritative source for all rights, human and civil. I have taken a somewhat lighter vein this issue in remembering the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Woodstock concert. We also welcome two new contributors, Dick Bachert, a humorous and penetrating radio commentator from Atlanta, and Philip Weingart, a freelance writer from Pennsylvania and fellow traveler on the info- highway. The "Doc" uncovers a rare document from the archives of his "virtual museum" of Biblical Antiquity that could save your neck!
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Can wicked rulers be allied with you, those who write mischief by statute? - Ps 94:20
Many people have suggested that the Declaration of Independence introduced a concept of individual rights into the values of this nation. They insist this concept of rights is foreign to authentic, biblical Christianity. Instead, the concern for "rights" is a product of 18th Century Enlightenment philosophy and is opposed to the very heart of Christianity.
They argue:
"Christians don't have rights. Our life is a gift from God, and we give up our
right to do what we wish when we acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord. We
yield our 'right' to pursue happiness, to have liberty, even our 'right' to life in
order to become His servants. As Martin Luther King, Jr. so aptly put it, a
Christian is not called to pursue happiness, but'to do the will of God, come
what may!' "
What is missing from this argument is the social context in which the