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Yes! O Theophilus is the "quarterly" journal of the Center For Biblical Literacy. No, we haven't been successful in getting the issues out on time, for which we apologize. As with most emerging ministries, we are struggling with finances. Each issue is sent out "free" in our effort to expose the CBL ministries and mission. We hope our articles elicit spiritual inspiration, thoughtful debate, active concern, and a genuine thirst for Biblical and Christian literacy. We also hope that you will join us in the critical battle to stem the tide of Biblical illiteracy eroding the church today by becoming a supporter of our efforts. O Theophilus must rely, as do the other activities of CBL, on generous donations from its friends. We are praying for sponsors to help guarantee the timely publication of this journal. Each issue costs about $2,000 to produce and mail. If you would like to sponsor one or more issues of O Theophilus, you can send your gift as a designated fund to our Atlanta office. All proceeds go directly to the production of this journal.


CBL held its Biannual Board Meeting November 3-4, 1994, at its main campus in Lilburn, GA. Along with Executive Committee and Board of Directors sessions, the CBL family joined hearts and minds together in prayer, worship and recreational activities.
Mornings were opened with a call to worship led by Faith Outreach Church Worship Team at the Faith Outreach Church led by Pastor Bert Lorentz. A convicting call to unity and cooperation among ministries was delivered by Rev. Bank Akinmola, a native Nigerian and pastor of World Outreach Church for All Nations in Tucker, GA. Dr. Bez expanded our awareness of the crisis of Biblical illiteracy in the Church today and emphasized our need to direct more energy on the prescription for cure, not just the diagnosis of the problem. Rev. Marty Barrett and Sandie Lorentz demonstrated effectively the power of