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drama and mime in presenting Biblical Truth. Welcomed guests at different sessions included Ralph Barker, Vice President of American Vision, Atlanta, GA, and Mr. and Dr. Harold Maxwell from North Carolina. Harold, a Christian illusionist, amazed us with attention riveting demonstrations used in his ministry. His wife, Marge, who holds a Ph.D. in computer technology and education, is interested in helping with our Distance Learning programs.
Since the Biannual meeting, CBL has also welcomed aboard: Dana Hunt, a new faculty member at our Main Campus in Atlanta; Eleanor Shelton, interim Registrar for the CBL School of Theological Studies; and Lee Messerlian, interim Curator of CBL's Archaeological Museum in Atlanta. CBL will conduct its next Biannual meeting in Atlanta May 3-5, 1995 at which time it will host a Biblical Literacy Conference entitled, "Uncovering the Lost Treasures of the Word."


The Center has culled and collected numerous cassette tapes of Dr. Bez's finest moments in teaching. The latest catalog is now available from the Atlanta office. Tapes are $4.00 postage paid. You will enjoy "the Doc's" breadth and "wit'th" in these insightful lessons.

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Last November the executive officers of CBL had the distinguished opportunity for a private interview with the well known lecturer and author, Dr. J.I. Packer. Rev Packer was born in Gloucestershire, England in 1926, educated at Oxford University (degrees in classics and theology; D.Phil. 1954) and ordained in the Church of England. He has held numerous teaching positions and has preached